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'Thriving As Leaders' (TAL) annual Awards Program

Recognizing and celebrating the achievements and service of those Association members who are ‘thriving as leaders in and out of uniform’ across the wide spectrum of human endeavor.

Nomination window for the CY2024 awards is open now through 1 August 2024. Inaugural TAL awardees will be announced this fall.

Nomination and selection guidelines provided at the link below. Use the easy-to-follow online forms below to nominate your fellow members for TAL  awards in two categories:

  1. Alumni Outstanding Achievement (AOA) awards for USNA alumni in athletic (amateur or professional) achievement and professional/non-athletic achievement in paid work.
  2. Volunteer Leadership and Service (VLS) award for Association members (including non-voting members) distinguishing themselves through their donation of time and talent as volunteers in unpaid work.


While nominations are accepted only through the online forms, find at these links below the forms in PDF to help understand the information required to complete the forms online.

AOA Award Nomination Form (PDF)

VLS Award Nomination Form (PDF)

Questions and feedback about the TAL award program welcome! Staff point of contact is Wesley Huey '87, or 410-295-4023.